Apr 23, 2024

Search for the perfect line

In 2002, Markus Haid, a previously little-known climber from Ötztal, managed to climb one of the most difficult lines in Tyrol for the first time.
The very athletic line, which fits perfectly aesthetically into the mystical Niederthai forest climbing area, is Markus’ first self-bolted tour. “Mordor” was also the initial spark for his passion for bolting. Markus has now opened up over 300 routes, the majority of which are 8a upwards in difficulty, and is still constantly on the lookout for the next kingline. Happiness is the climber’s latest achievement, a route that comes very close to his vision of a perfect line!


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Nachhaltigkeit auf Tirolerisch

Immer wieder aufs Neue sucht Chillaz nach den angenehmsten Faserkreationen oder entwickelt diese selbst, und lässt sie gegen anständige
Entlohnung in der nahe gelegenen Türkei weiterverarbeiten. Erfahrt hier was Nachhaltigkeit für Chillaz bedeutet.